SOTM 21: Divorce a Tragedy?
31"It has been said, 'Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.'[a] 32But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery.
-Mt. 5:31-33
The tragedy of divorce is that it is the result of a failure to find that for which we all are most longing. We have no greater desire than for true friendship and intimacy. But more and more people today are foregoing even the pursuit of marriage or only give it a half-hearted attempt at best. I think we are just chicken. Fear of failure, fear of getting hurt holds us back. Maybe that intimacy we all crave is possible but it's so rare. It doesn't seem worth the risk. We take what could be extremely beautiful and water it down in casual relationships. We fear that in its purest form it might be too hot and we might get burned. So we live bland, safe, mediocre lives. Divorce isn't a big deal because we don't let marriage become a big deal. If we did, divorce would be tragic. And we don't want to put ourselves in the position of that ever becoming a possibility.
-Mt. 5:31-33
The tragedy of divorce is that it is the result of a failure to find that for which we all are most longing. We have no greater desire than for true friendship and intimacy. But more and more people today are foregoing even the pursuit of marriage or only give it a half-hearted attempt at best. I think we are just chicken. Fear of failure, fear of getting hurt holds us back. Maybe that intimacy we all crave is possible but it's so rare. It doesn't seem worth the risk. We take what could be extremely beautiful and water it down in casual relationships. We fear that in its purest form it might be too hot and we might get burned. So we live bland, safe, mediocre lives. Divorce isn't a big deal because we don't let marriage become a big deal. If we did, divorce would be tragic. And we don't want to put ourselves in the position of that ever becoming a possibility.
Use to be that society viewed divorce as a bad thing. It was frowned upon for a woman to get a divorce. Those days are gone. As I recall, the laws were changed in California back in 1969 to make getting a divorce much easier. -A
debtfreedude, At
March 24, 2009 at 3:44 PM
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