1 The fool says in his heart,
"There is no God."
They are corrupt, their deeds are vile;
there is no one who does good.
--Psalm 14:1
We may believe in God. I recently took an assessment which told me that I believe very strongly in the trinitarian God. Maybe you've never doubted God's existence in your mind. But what about in your heart? The psalm says the fool says in his HEART "there is no god." We might say we believe in God, but do we live as if that's really the case? Out of the heart everything flows. The brain directs and points us this way and that. But the heart keeps us alive. We can kick and scream all we like and try to convince ourselves of this and that but ultimately we always follow our hearts. In our hearts lie our desires and they pull and nag at us and ultimately have their way. If we don't believe in God in our hearts, it matters little what we tell ourselves. Of course beliefs are made with the mind. What can it really mean to believe with your heart? This kind of belief cannot come from within ourselves. It is not ultimately based on a mental assessment and evaluation. This kind of belief comes from God. Like the man in Mark 9 we must turn to Jesus and say "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"
"There is no God."
They are corrupt, their deeds are vile;
there is no one who does good.
--Psalm 14:1
We may believe in God. I recently took an assessment which told me that I believe very strongly in the trinitarian God. Maybe you've never doubted God's existence in your mind. But what about in your heart? The psalm says the fool says in his HEART "there is no god." We might say we believe in God, but do we live as if that's really the case? Out of the heart everything flows. The brain directs and points us this way and that. But the heart keeps us alive. We can kick and scream all we like and try to convince ourselves of this and that but ultimately we always follow our hearts. In our hearts lie our desires and they pull and nag at us and ultimately have their way. If we don't believe in God in our hearts, it matters little what we tell ourselves. Of course beliefs are made with the mind. What can it really mean to believe with your heart? This kind of belief cannot come from within ourselves. It is not ultimately based on a mental assessment and evaluation. This kind of belief comes from God. Like the man in Mark 9 we must turn to Jesus and say "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"